"planted in the house of the Lord, they will flourish in the courts of our God."
Vendor Request
Welcome To the SWAT Women's Summit Vendor Application!
Thank you for your interest in being a Vendor at the SWAT Women's Summit on July 14-15, 2022.
We are looking for a wide variety of unique services, items and merchandise that our workshop participants would be excited to see. This is a great opportunity to reach attendees from across Metro Atlanta region. Who wouldn't want a chance to sell and get some brand recognition? We look forward to seeing what everyone has to offer!
A few vendor details: Vendor tables are $185.00. We have a limited number of tables. If you are interested, please don't wait to take advantage of this opportunity. After you complete the application and our team reviews all applications, we will contact you about our decision. We wish we could say yes to everyone, but space is limited and we want to make sure we maintain variety among the vendors.
Important Information
Set up will be Thursday, July 14, 2022, from 5:00 pm - 6:30 pm. Break down will be 10:30 pm Friday, July 15, 2022.
Vendor fee includes 6-foot table and two chairs.
Vendor fees do not include a hotel room reservation, should you decide to stay overnight.
Accepted vendors are required to provide an item valued at $25 (or above) to be given as a door prize during the summit.
Vendors will be open for shopping both days of the summit.
Below is an application form for you to submit, along with directions on how to email us images of your inventory that you’d like to bring.
If you have any questions regarding becoming a vendor, please contact us at Rosetta@thrivezone.life
1. All vendors must complete the SWAT Women's Summit Vendor Application form below with all fields complete or your application will not be considered. Applications and images of inventory are due no later than July 8, 2022.
2. Once the Vendor Application Form is completed, please email images of inventory to Rosetta@thrivezone.life with your vendor name in the subject line. All vendors must submit images of ALL products proposed for sale at the SWAT Women's Summit. (Scans, prints, and photos are acceptable, but all text and images must be legible.) Failure to submit appropriate samples/images may delay the approval of your application and/or result in your application’s rejection. Applications and images of inventory are due no later than July 8, 2022.
3. Upon receiving your application, your application and samples will be reviewed by the SWAT team.
4. All approved SWAT Women's Summit vendors will be notified by email. Vendor fees, as stipulated on the application form, must then be received BY Zelle or PayPal within 3 days of acceptance email notification. Failure to timely remit payment may result in the forfeiture of your spot.
The SWAT Women's Summit team reserves the right to disapprove/deny any Vendor application at its sole and absolute discretion.
For questions, please contact Rosetta@thrivezone.life (Attn: Rosetta Norman).
If selected, payments should be remitted to Thrive Zone Church - Zelle or PayPal to donate@thrivezone.life
Only products listed on the Vendor’s application may be sold during the workshop.
Only two representatives per vendor booth are permitted at one time, and only those with proper identification as the appropriate vendor representative(s) are allowed behind the booth table at any/all times.
Vendor booths are limited and will be assigned on a first come, first served basis (upon approval of application and timely receipt of fee).
Vendor booth placement is not to be moved or swapped at any time.
Vendors should provide their own dolly/cart to move merchandise around and are responsible for handling their own merchandise at all times.
Please be respectful of other vendors and exhibitors around you.
Violation of the above Rules and Regulations will result in immediate and complete dismissal from the SWAT Women's Summit without refund.
The SWAT Women's Summit reserves the right to restrict any booth activities or evict any vendor, with or without cause, and in its sole and absolute discretion. In the event of such a restriction or removal, the summit will not be liable for any refunds or other exhibit expenses.
SWAT Women's Summit Vendor Application Form (Link Below)
Upon completion of Vendor Application form (link below), please email images of proposed inventory to Rosetta@thrivezone.life with your business name in the subject line. Your application will not be considered without images of your inventory!
Deadline: July 8, 2022
Vender Fee: 1 table - $185.00
Fees includes: 6-foot table and 2 chairs. Fees do NOT include food, room and board or transportation.